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Brought to you by elberethzone.

Daemon monitoring:

ID Status Version Protocol Blocks Last block hash Connections
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Last refresh: Never

Payee Block Template history (Masternode voting consensus):

Height Consensus Majority Not in consensus
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Last refresh: Never

Masternodes List:

Port Checking:

  • Unknown: New entry that will be checked as soon as possible (usually less than 15min)
  • Open: Port was open during last check (time to next check in parenthesis, re-check after 1h)
  • Closed: Port was closed during last check (time to next check in parenthesis, re-check after 1h) [Your node can be shown as closed but be working fine, the port scanner can be banned by your node for 24h]

Pubkey Links:


Status Meaning
Masternode is listed and has status "1" (masternode list).
This is what you want for your masternode.
Masternode is listed but has status "0" (masternode list)
Possible reasons:
  • Masternode is not responding (port 9999 must be open on your firewall, if you see Closed below, there is your problem)
  • The 1000 DASH were removed from the masternode start wallet
  • The masternode is getting banned (active on some but inactive on others):
    Try masternode start with a fresh/new local wallet (don't forget to send your 1000 DASH to that new wallet!!)
    This will force a new masternode pubkey (I fixed my dmn01 with that trick)
  • Make sure you have the latest daemon version
Partially Inactive/Unlisted
Masternode is not fully active (some, but not all, nodes see it as inactive [with "0" in masternode list] or unlisted [not in masternode list]).
The Percentage indicates how many nodes see it as active (the nearer to 100% the better).
Partially Inactive/Unlisted
Masternode is not fully active (some, but not all, nodes see it as inactive [with "0" in masternode list] or unlisted [not in masternode list]).
The Percentage indicates how many nodes see it as active (the nearer to 100% the better).

This is the balance of the pubkey, if more than 1000 DASH then it has a green background (there can be up to 15min delay with true balance)


Score Meaning
0 Everything is fine.
1 2 3 4 5 Something is wrong with your setup:
  • Daemon (dashd) of the Masternode is not responding (port closed, daemon is hung, etc.)
  • Using an obsolete version of dashd on the Masternode
You check the explanation in the header of the source code.
6 Error, your masternode will be unlisted.
Fix it to get back on the list.

An API is available (some documentation can be found there) to retrieve the information below.

Regexp search:

Masternode IP:Port Port Check (Next check) Version Masternode Pubkey Balance Last Paid Active Duration Last Seen Country Status
(Active Score)
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Total Masternodes: ??? = ??? actives + ?? inactives [??? unique IPs] (Last refresh: Never)
Estimated daily payout for an active node (blocks with MN payments last 24h: ??.??%): ??? DASH/day (Last Refreshed: Never)